Wow, we have had some pretty windy racing the last 3 weeks (I believe my brother is some sort of wind god - if he shows up, the wind really howls).
Anyway, the boat has been going well - and has been feeling really good. I've added a tiny bit more mast rake and it's feeling good up and down wind; possibly lacking a bit of power off the wind but that could be my decision to use the old Alexander Main from the 2008 Worlds with the new Irwin Jib - resulting in me being a little undersize. But this combination is working better for me than the new Irwin main which I'm hoping Pete will buy for AUS32 (as it's been looking good and he's been fast, while upright, with it).
Anyway, I have noticed i am taking on water and I can't work out where. It started about three weeks ago on that hard Port River race, and the last two weekends have been similar. Now all three races I have spent time on my side so it may be hatch cover not sealing correctly, and this is kind of backed up by my just having pressurised (http://www.windline.net/proj4.htm) the boat and gone over with the soapy water; but no bubbles. So next Saturday I will put a bit of vaseline on the hatch covers and see if the issue is there - else I am scratching my head!
Had another interesting issue last week aswell, the tenon part of the mast stump came out of the mast stump on me when dropping the mast (and remained fixed inside the stump). So I'm going to have to knock out the mast plug fitting from the mast and get the bit out from the stump and put the c-tech fitting back together. Take note that it is held in by a bolt so maybe put some thread lock on it before fitting your mast plugs people.